Transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) is a type of intracavitary ultrasound done in females to visualize the pelvic organs like uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, endometrium and other pelvic organs well. It is done with the help of special high frequency transducer (probe) which appears like a wand. Before inserting it into the vagina, the probe is covered with a gel and condom, hence making it sterile and safe. Transvaginal ultrasound remarkably improves the resolution and image quality while scanning due to the reduced distance between the probe and pelvic structures. Use of higher frequencies in TVS probes also leads to better image quality. In addition, patient does not need to keep the bladder full for scanning, which reduces discomfort. Transvaginal ultrasound is indicated in pregnancy as well as in number of pelvic conditions. It is the chosen method of scanning in early pregnancy to diagnose intrauterine pregnancy and rule out ectopic/tubal pregnancy. Fibroids, endometrial polyps, ovarian cysts, polycystic ovaries and tubal lesions etc are some of the conditions which can be very well diagnosed using TVS. TVS is also used in infertility treatments for follicular monitoring and oocyte retrieval.
At MITR hospital kharghar, you have the advantage of getting scanned by senior experienced female radiologist thus avoiding any discomfort or hesitation you may feel before the procedure.
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