The urinary tract is made up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. The kidneys are located high up in the tummy and responsible for filtering waste products from the bloodstream and produce urine continuously. The urine flows down the tubes called ureters from the kidneys to the bladder, which normally stores urine and empties intermittently by muscular contraction. The urine exits the bladder through the urethra in a process is called voiding or urination.
When the ureter joins the bladder it travels through the wall of the bladder for a distance creating a tunnel so that a flap valve is created. This valve prevents back flow of the urine into kidneys when the bladder is full or the child is passing urine. Thus, when the bladder fills and later when it squeezes down to empty, back-up (that is, reflux of urine) is prevented because the valve operates in the same way as when you pinch off a soda straw. This valve-like action is important for several reasons:
➾ prevents bacteria (that often get into the urine) from getting to the kidneys
➾ protects the ureters and kidneys from high pressures generated by the bladder during urination
➾ permits removal of all of the stored urine with a single act of urination, because the bladder urine has nowhere to go other than out the urethra
The urinary tract is made up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. The kidneys are located high up in the tummy and responsible for filtering waste products from the bloodstream and produce urine continuously. The urine flows down the tubes called ureters from the kidneys to the bladder, which normally stores urine and empties intermittently by muscular contraction. The urine exits the bladder through the urethra in a process is called voiding or urination.
When the ureter joins the bladder it travels through the wall of the bladder for a distance creating a tunnel so that a flap valve is created. This valve prevents back flow of the urine into kidneys when the bladder is full or the child is passing urine. Thus, when the bladder fills and later when it squeezes down to empty, back-up (that is, reflux of urine) is prevented because the valve operates in the same way as when you pinch off a soda straw. This valve-like action is important for several reasons:
➾ prevents bacteria (that often get into the urine) from getting to the kidneys
➾ protects the ureters and kidneys from high pressures generated by the bladder during urination
➾ permits removal of all of the stored urine with a single act of urination, because the bladder urine has nowhere to go other than out the urethra
Secondary reflux: Some children have reflux because of underlying problems such as lower urinary obstruction (such as urethral valves), abnormal bladder behavior (such as uninhibited bladder contractions or hyperreflexic bladders), infrequent voiding, or constipation. IN such children, the primary treatment is towards the underlying disease which led to reflux and generally reflux subsides when the underlying condition is treated.
Since many children will outgrow their reflux, the usual plan is to follow up carefully and prevent infections in the interim. Regular tests such as VCUG, renal ultrasound, or nuclear voiding cystogram may be done when required. During this follow-up period they are kept on a prophylactic (low-dose) antibiotic to keep the urine free of infection. Any fever or new urinary tract symptoms (such as burning, frequency, urgency, straining, foul odor, bloody urine, or unusual incontinence) may indicate infection and must be promptly evaluated with urine analysis and urine culture. Children who develop breakthrough urinary infections in spite of antibiotic prophylaxis are at risk for kidney damage and may need surgical correction of reflux.
Correction of reflux is recommended for high grades of reflux, for reflux that fails to resolve, or for patients with breakthrough infections. Options are:
➾ Endoscopic injections of bulking agents: A small endoscope called cystoscope is placed into bladder and a thick viscous gel called Deflux is injected into the mucosa under the ureteric opening. This leads to creation of a mound which prevents reflux. Advantages include- no cuts, no pain and no post-op complications. Disadvantages are – not 100% successful, can’t be recommended for high grade reflux, gel is expensive and recurrence rate of 10%.
➾ Ureteric re-implantation: Surgical correction of reflux involves recreation of the tunnel and the valve function for the ureteric opening. This can be done via a small incision in the lower part of the tummy or in selected cases laparoscopically. The success rates are more than 95% in properly selected and evaluated patients.
Long term prognosis and follow-up
Children with a history of reflux should probably be monitored life-long with measurement of height and weight, blood pressure, and urine analysis. Occasional ultrasound tests will assure that kidney growth is on target for age and size. If there is any doubt about scarring or kidney function, the pediatric nephrology is also called in to evaluate and manage.
If one child in a family has reflux, there is a 20% chance of having reflux in a sister or brother. Because we know that the chances of kidney damage are highest in the first 6 years of life, we think that brothers and sisters in that age range should be studied (with examination and atleast an ultrasound). Also if there is any symptoms suggestive of urinary infection, a VCUG should be done.
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