Case Study: Orthopedics and Joint replacement

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Orthopedics and Joint replacement

Orthopedics and Joint replacement

Case 1: Koch’s medial end clavicle

A 48 year old woman presented in OPD with pain and swelling over the medial end of right clavicle since 8 months. She took treatment in the past with anti- inflammatory medications but of little benefit. She underwent blood investigations which showed high ESR and CRP and also CT scan was done which showed erosions in the medial end of clavicle and abscess formation. She underwent debridement and drainage of the abscess. Her culture showed Mycobacterium tuberculosis which was successfully treated with anti- Koch’s treatment.

Case 2: Bilateral AVN of Hip joints

A 54 year old male presented in OPD with severe pain in bilateral hip joints and inability to walk since 3 months. His blood investigations were normal. MRI scan showed bilateral AVN of hip joints with severe chondrolysis of femoral heads with subluxation of HIP joints.

He successfully underwent bilateral HIP replacementsurgery. Post-surgery patient was completely pain free and was able to walk without support after 3 weeks.

Case 3: GLOMUS tumour of right Thumb

A 35 year old female came with sharp shooting pain in right thumb and tingling sensation in the tip of the thumb since 10-15 years. She also had hypersensitivity to cold water, took multiple treatment’s but of no relief. Her x-ray and blood tests were normal. MRI was done

which showed doubtful Glomus tumour or Haemangioma beneath the nail bed. Tumour was successfully removed and sent for histopathology which confirmed Glomus tumour.

Patient was completely pain free post-surgery.

Case 4: Bilateral osteoarthritis of knee joints

A 58 year old female came with severe pain in bilateral knee joints and difficulty in walking since 5-10 years.Her x-rays showed severe tri-compartmental OA knees with subluxation of femur over tibia. She was operated with Bilateral Total Knee Replacement surgery, post-surgery patient was completely pain free and was able to walk without support as early.

Case5: Chronic wrist pain secondary to mal-united Distal end Radius

A 52 year old female presented in OPD with wrist pain,weakness in grip and deformity of the wrist. Patient had sustained lower end radius fracture treated elsewhere with closed reduction and cast. Her x-ray showed mal-united distal end Radius fracture with ulnar impingement.

She underwent surgery in the form of distal radius osteotomy and fixation with plating and distal ulna excision.Patient had to undergo aggressive physiotherapy but gradually regained complete function with complete