Miss C 20yr old walked into MITR Hospital in emergency with severe pain in abdomen in daytime.She had taken painkillers at home but did not respond to them and was now vomiting and rolling in pain.On examination she was warm and her abdomen was tender. She was stabilised by medications and then sonography was performed .It showed a huge ovarian cyst with signs of torsion.Her parents were counselled and condition explained ,since pain was less than 6 hrs of duration and her Right ovary had formed cyst which had twisted primarily due to bulk of the mass ,there was a need for immediate minimally invasive surgery .The purpose of the surgery was to untwist the ovarian cyst and restore the blood supply so the ovary does not lose its function.Ovarian cyst needs cystectomy to prevent recurrence of such event . She underwent Operative Laparoscopy for ovarian cyst and after surgery she was relieved of pain and happy her ovary could be saved in time.She went home the next day and on her follow up visit of 6 days she was perfectly fine.
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